CPE LABORATORY Research Areas General Information News & Events Team Members Contact Us

Research Areas

  • Basic Technology Researches
  • Chinese-Portuguese-English Corpora Processing
  • Engine of Machine Translation
  • Corpora Refinement and Classification
  • Natural Language Processing Technologies
  • Machine Translation Based on Sentence Templates
  • Language Big Data Analysis
  • Applied Research

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Aprenda com Notícias CH-PT

Plataforma Online de Aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa da UPM

Sistema de Interpretação Simultânea Chinês-Português


General Information

In order to facilitate the effective transformation of academic-research into outcome and to increase the capability to innovate and to apply state-of-art technologies, Macao Polytechnic University, GuangDong University of Foreign Studies and Global Tone Communication Technology agreed to establish the Chinese-Portuguese-English Machine Translation Laboratory, mainly to collaborate widely in the fields of Basic Technology Research, Applications of Innovative Technologies and Professional Talent Development. The main research areas of this laboratory include Basic Technology Research, Chinese-Portuguese-English Corpora Processing, the Engine of Machine Translation, Corpora Refinement and Classification, Natural Language Processing Technologies, Machine Translation Based on Sentence Templates, Language Big Data Analysis, and different types of Applied Research.

The research outcomes of different types of co-operating projects from this laboratory will be utilized by different teaching and research events, and will be beneficial to cultivate high quality professional talents.

With their own unique strengths and through the establishment and operation of this Chinese-Portuguese-English Machine Translation Laboratory, Macao Polytechnic University, GuangDong University of Foreign Studies and Global Tone Communication Technology aim to assist Macao S.A.R. to be the Trade Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as to provide different innovative applied services.

Team Members

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.   Andrew Carnegie

Research Team

  • Mr. Hoi, Lapman Edmond
  • Ms. Sun, Yuqi Mafalda
  • Ms. Liu, Yue June
  • Ms. Choi, Kacheng Rebecca
  • Mr. Chan, Ka Hou
  • Mr. Cheok, Sai Man

Welcome to join us!

Contact Us


Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macao, China
Macao Polytechnic University
Chinese-Portuguese-English Machine Translation Laboratory

     Macao SAR, China

     (853) 8599 3281

     (853) 2871 9227 / 2871 9654

